The Value Of A TV Interview

Why a TV interview is an exposure catapult

· Public Relations,Media Relations

Despite the prevalence and popularity of social media platforms, trust in video platforms for news has increased. Take Europe, for example. Notable gains were observed in user confidence towards YouTube and other video sources, according to the European Parliament. 

The number of TV stations varies significantly by country, showcasing the diversity and scale of television broadcasting across different regions.

A quick glance at Wikipedia shows China has 4,900 TV stations, which include local and provincial channels. The United States has 2,761, while India has roughly 868. The UK has approximately 1,822 TV stations.

In Hong Kong, local and regional TV stations include Associated Press, BBC, Bloomberg TV, CNBC Asia, CNN, RTHK, Reuters, and TVB.

TV Interview Benefits

There are many benefits a television interview brings, including:

Amplified Credibility

Being featured on television significantly boosts an individual's or organisation's credibility. Viewers often perceive those who appear on TV as experts and as reliable sources of information, leading to increased trust and enhancing thought leadership.

Extensive Audience Reach

Local and regional television has a huge audience that can be tapped into through interviews with the exposure to increasing brand awareness and potentially generating leads.

Building Trust and Relationships

TV interviews create a personal connection with the audience because viewers see someone speaking directly to them.

Differentiation in the Marketplace

By showcasing expertise on a widely recognised platform, interviewees can position themselves as the expert in their field, making it easier for people to remember them when seeking services or products.

Opportunities for Future Media Exposure

Once established as a credible source, individuals may receive more requests for interviews, panel discussions, or expert commentary in articles. This can significantly enhance visibility and promote thought leadership.

Effective Communication of Key Messages

Television interviews allow for clear and concise communication of important messages and conveying ideas effectively, even if faced with potentially challenging questions.

Asset Creation for Future Use

Interviews can be shared across various social media platforms and can serve as valuable marketing asset to extend the reach of the original broadcast.

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Overall, TV interviews represent an invaluable opportunity for individuals and organizations to enhance their credibility, reach larger audiences, build trust, differentiate themselves in competitive markets, and create lasting media relationships.

Media training and proper preparation is necessary, yet the returns on investment, although hard to quantify, can pay considerable dividends to both the spokesperson and their company.

Looking to elevate your brand’s presence in Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific? Contact us at today! We can help you navigate the dynamic landscape of television, radio, and digital media and connect with the right audiences and maximize your media exposure.

About Eight PR (

Eight Public Relations is a PR agency in Hong Kong, specialising in law firm, technology, and wealth management public relations. Utilising a power PR model and offering fractional PR services, we develop tailored, innovative strategies to enhance client reputations, drive growth opportunities, and establish brands. Our approach includes media relations, executive profiling, compelling content creation, and leveraging a global B2B network.

Eight PR was the only public relations firm to sponsor a showcase booth at ReThink 2023, Hong Kong's best-attended and most ambitious business event for sustainable development. We were also a showcase sponsor at Fintech Week Hong Kong in 2021 and 2022.