Year of the Dragon 2024 - PR Prediction Roundup

· Public Relations

Year of the Dragon

The Year of the Dragon 2024 PR predictions season has come to a close with the last result from our crystal ball gazing published yesterday.

A prediction is taking existing information and trying to see the impact time has on the topic. We don't for minute expect all to come to fruition this year (although that would be pretty cool bananas).

The pSEO prediction is an anti-prediction if you will. We think this is so new, it will take longer than a year to see an increase in popularity. We know for a fact that there are bloggers out there active in pSEO.

Our fifth prediction is projected far, far into the future. 2030 to be exact; a five and bit year cushion gives us a bit of time to be right.

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May we take this opportunity in wishing you all a Happy Lunar New Year and we hope the Year of the Dragon brings you happiness, health and prosperity.

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