Up Close and Personal With 6G

To be launched in 2030

· Public Relations

Battle Stations: 6G Is Coming!

You: "How can you be talking about 6G when 5G has only just come out to play?"

We hear you.

The fact is, 6G is currently in research and will most likely appear in 2030 and widely adopted in 2032.

Discussing the sixth generation of wireless communications may seem somewhat ahead of its time, particularly as the global industry has only recently invested hundreds of billions of dollars in rolling out 5G networks.

However, the potential of 6G cannot be underestimated with its faster speeds and enhanced security and the support for applications and artificial intelligence technologies.

Undoubtedly, transitioning to 6G will undoubtedly require an enormous investment in network infrastructure, amounting to billions or trillions of dollars collectively.

Yet, by 2030, which is when 6G makes an appearance, the world will be basking in AI-driven applications en masse and the 5G networks may strain to fulfill the wireless data demands.

[If you're interested, we found an article on www.digi.com titled, '4G to 5G: How Long Will 4G LTE Be Available?' with a graphic talking about the life expectancy of next gen wireless communication.]

6G has to overcome technical challenges, power consumption issues, security and other concerns. However, the demands from AI-powered applications (ChatGPT already has 180 million users) means there is a strong likelihood of 6G appearing in conversations more frequently.


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If you liked this, we covered WiFi 7 in an infographic posted on our Pinterest page.

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